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Showing posts from August, 2020

SQL Server Performance : OR vs UNION ALL

When writing queries, we seem to care less about the performance issue at first. Our first goal is to make the output right. When we get the correct output, we then move on to the next phase we call performance tuning. Today we will try to understand what happens when you write OR in your query. We will do the same thing with UNION ALL and try to understand which one seems to perform better.

How to configure your Availability Group listener to ASP.NET

SQL Server’s availability group Always On feature is great to have features for your Database. Anytime one of your database nodes goes down, your secondary replica will automatically take over. After a failover, your secondary cluster node becomes the primary cluster. Now the question arises, “Do I need to configure my APP server connectionstring each time I face a failover cluster?”. The answer is NO, you don’t have to configure your app server connectionstring every time. Default ConnectionString By default, your App server connectionstring looks something like this – <connectionStrings>    <add name="ConnStringDb1" connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=YourDataBaseName;Integrated Security=True;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />   </connectionStrings> ConnectionString for Failover Partner You can manually specify the failover partner in your connectionstring like this <connectionStrings>     <a...

How to deal with Slow SQL Server due to Autogrowth issue

  Why you should not stick to SQL Server’s default Initial file size and autogrowth We hear a lot of these statements : My SQL Server is running slow My Production DB was fine when we started, But it is staggeringly slow now My Business end users are frustrated to wait too long Well, there are lots of reasons why your SQL Server might be slow. Setting the Autogrowth option to default is definitely one of the vital ones which we seem to ignore most of the time. Slow SQL Server and Tortoise SQL Server provides you with some default settings for autogrowth when you install it for the first time. These default cases are defined with increment by 8MB or by 10%. You need to change it to suit your own needs. For Small application, this default value might work but as soon as your system grows, you feel the impact of it more often. What Happens SQL Server Files needs more space SQL Server Requests the Server PC for more space The Server PC takes the request and asks the SQL request...

Slow SQL Server : What we should NOT do

 Try to list the best practices of SQL Server. It will require a heck of a time. Try to list the Bad Practices and it will require more than the best practice list , of course, probably you’ll end up getting frustrated . (seeing all the oops configurations and its effect on SQL Server )

Why not use Select * in SQL Server

  Select * We often use the Select *  to fetch data from tables of SQL Server.

Maxdop and Cost theshold for parallelism SQL Server

 Maxdop  Maxdop stands for max degree for parallelism.  Let's say, the maxdop is set to 4, it means during parallel plan execution, SQL server is going to use 4 processors. If you set your Maxdop settings to 0, it means SQL server is going to use as many processors it needs to complete your request. 

SQL Data Tools - Compare Data

Compare Data between two tables SQL Server Database with the same schema architecture can differ in different environments like Dev, Staging, and Production, especially in configuration tables. Let's see how we can easily sync the data in two different tables.

SQL Schema Compare with Visual Studio (A complete Guide)

Introduction When you're working on your Dev Database, an urgent issue comes along, and you instantly solve it by changing Scheme in the Staging Database or Production Database :3, few more these type of patching and you're completely out of sync! A lot of paid alternatives are there like SQL Data Compare by RedGate, but my first choice is Visual Studio's SQL Data Tools. In the following article, I tried to image-describe the steps for SQL Data Tool. Like I said before, there are lots of handly DBAtools out there to compare Schema between two DB Sources. I would like to discuss how you can compare two SQL Server DB with Visual Studio. Make sure you have SQL Server Data tools checked while installing Visual Studio.

Threadpool - A deadly poison wait for SQL Server (The What, When and How)

Introduction  Threadpool is a  poison  wait. Yes, I mean it. Its poison for SQL Server, its poison for the Business and of course, the end-users! The most devastating thing about threadpool is you hardly recognize it because it comes in disguise, meaning you see no memory or cpu pressure in the system, yet you cannot run any query, it seems like your SQL Server is frozen solid. That scary, isn't it?